Lynn Edge and Greg Womble - From the Ground Up

Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 4:00 PM

Join Birmingham's movers and shakers for the launch party celebrating the release of one of the most unique and important books spotlighting our home town.

There are incredible never-before-published images of Birmingham's founding families and the businesses over the decades responsible for our prominence.

The publisher, authors, photographers, and designers have confirmed, and we anticipate many of the featured celebs will be here.

Every home around these parts must have this treasure on the coffee table, and it is the new gold standard for every important gift occasion.

Mark your calendar now, but if you absolutely can't make it, or need to send gift copies to friends and family scattered away, you may purchase signed first editions (59.00) to pick up at the store later, or carefully wrapped and mailed worldwide by Clicking Here.

If you're coming from out-of-town, you may check out the special rate the beautiful Valley Hotel offers Alabama Booksmith customers (they're just a short walk away) by Clicking Here

Event Location: 

Alabama Booksmith
2626 19th Place South
Homewood, AL 35209